Basics to be known while looking for jobs in Thailand

Basics to be known while looking for jobs in Thailand

If you are searching for Jobs in Thailand, here we explain some of the top roles and basic jobs for all categories of people. You can apply and get appointed to start working in the organization.

If you are looking for work, the average monthly salary in Thailand has been steadily rising in recent years. You may expect a job related to your origin or your area of interest. This includes the IT domain, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and others as per your qualification and efficiency.

The basic requirement for working here is that you need to be a citizen. If not, then you should know to understand and be able to communicate in Thai or English for survival. Other than this, you need to have the skills that are required by the company.

Things to be remembered before placing an

Contract employment

Employment law in Thailand allows verbal contracts for both fixed-term and permanent contracts. The contract will be based on job role, compensation, benefits, and termination if required. There will be a training period of 119 days. During the training period, if your work or attitude doesn’t suit the company’s nature, the employer has the right to terminate the employee.


Thailand has its own national security fund. Every employer and employee in the country must contribute to it. This fund helps with medical care, unemployment, child care, disability and other cases. This also provides a retirement pension which includes funeral costs. Each employee is required by law to contribute 5% of their monthly salary.

Basics to be known while looking for jobs in Thailand

Working hours

Working hours in Thailand are based on the company and the nature of work. The standard working hours as per the state law should not exceed 48 hours in a week. And the employee should have one day off as a weekend. If the employee wishes to continue overtime, that is allowed up to 36 hours a week. The overtime is continued with the duty time. The wages will be 150 percent for the overtime period. If the overtime is on the employee’s weekend, the wage should be triple the base wage.

Time off

According to Thai law, the employee should have a minimum of 6 leave days annually. Some high-paid professions offer 10–15 paid vocational holidays for their employees. They also offer compassionate leave and medical leave in addition to the vocational holidays. You can also be placed in Jobs in Thailand.