thc detox

Ways to Get Marijuana Out of Your Body

A quick search of Google reveals that marijuana has a very high resin level and is potent enough to get you high. The average marijuana cigarette contains 8.9% THC, which forms crystals on the needle-like hairs at the edges of the buds that make cannabis flowers, making them hard to get out of your body.

So how do you get marijuana out of your system?

  1. First, understand that it will take more than a day or two to detox if you are a heavy smoker. Expect it to take 3-6 weeks, depending on the frequency and the amount of time since you last smoked.
  1. Exercise will help your body remove marijuana from your system faster, but only by speeding up the process and not by making the product disappear. If you’ve been smoking for years, or even smoking one or two times per week…exercise will not make it go away. Work out, enjoy your exercise and get the benefit of it.
  1. Drink lots of fluids. Drink water, coffee or tea, but don’t consume caffeine products that may mask THC effects and tricks your body into thinking you can smoke more because you’re “safe.” Your liver needs all the help it can get to remove THC from your system.
  1. Eat leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach & spinach) that are high in Vitamin A. They’re lovely to eat when you’re working through marijuana detox. These are all-natural foods you should be eating regularly anyway, giving you another reason to eat them!
  1. Take B-complex vitamins to assist the liver in breaking down toxins. This supplement is available over the counter, so you don’t need a doctor’s prescription.
  1. Take a high-fibre laxative like Dulcolax, simethicone (found in certain brands of gas-X ) or methylcellulose (found in some brands of Kaopectate). These will help flush your system and eliminate marijuana that has built up in your system. Remember that it’s essential not to take too much, as diarrhoea can dehydrate and make you feel even more awful!
  1. Drink lots of ginger ale or use ginger tea when you need to do so. Ginger aids digestion and helps rid your body of unwanted waste products.

8. An old-fashioned enema may be your best shot at getting that pot out of your system, but remember, it’s a severe procedure. You should not attempt to use an enema if you’re not ready for medical treatment or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and you shouldn’t be doing it when drunk or high.