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How to get followers before publishing Photos on Face book

Do you have a space available in your store or office? It can be a blackboard, a wall, even a mirror. Look at this example. This restaurant used the blackboard of the menu to announce its Instagram contest. (Very generous, right?). If you have a tangible product, consider adding more information about your Instagram account in the package. In this case, Domino’s used the packaging box to invite its customers to upload photos of their pizzas and label them with the user @dominos. It is very likely that these users also follow Domino’s out of curiosity and find their photo in the Facebook Likes kaufen  that currently has more than 73 thousand followers.

Facebook LikesWhat content generates more engagement in Face book

In this part, with your permission, I will be a bit biased and go towards what I personally like the most on Instagram and which I think also fits better the profile of this blog reader: show brands (personal and corporate) a your side more human and more private .

Being able to do this will help you connect much more, both to your personal brand and to a company. And that also helps make good content marketing strategies as they are already done on YouTube or in many blogs, You already know that Instagram is a 100% visual social network. Therefore, the content that works best here is the content that is close and attractive, both visually and by the message it transmits .

In my personal case, what I like most are images with motivational and inspiring text .

Yes, it’s not that it’s  “super original” , I know, but I’ve been doing it for a long time, it works for me, it’s the kind of positive messages that I like to launch and it’s also very much in line with what it is and I want it to remain  my personal branding .